Kharaen's Medievia fansite.


Anyone wishing to contact me, please email me at Thanks.

Hey, and welcome to Medievia's fan website. What you'll find here is general information about the MUD. Such info will include an ever-growing list of equipment, directions, autoquests that will try to keep up with the growth of the mud. So browse away! I hope you enjoy what you see here. There's alway room for improvemnt, so if there need be any changes, let Kharaen know!


Here I'll be putting updates I intend on making to the site. This includes its on-going construction at the moment.


I'm currently unemployed and have alot of time on my hands. This includes learning HTML, building, reading, and so on. I plan to be employed soonish, but due to my chronic depression and anxiety, it isn't likely I'll keep it up.