LR LM Name Anti AC Age Flags Saves DR HR HP MP MV CON DEX INT STAM STR WIS Value Weight Multi Other Area Mobs
0 a pair of chainmail bracers -25 25 4 Medievia a wise old warrior
0 a pair of long sleeves of padded leather 2 2 50 3 Medievia a mercenary
0 a silver armband -5 8 69 3 Forbidden Forest a male village high council member, a village preacher
5 iron-studded bracers -4 1 0 1500 8 The Labyrinth a thief
15 a red shawl of silk 24 1 21250 1 Head Forest of the Alendora Sephanel, an elven sage
20 bracers emblazoned with a bloody dragon's tail -4 Breath-1 18 200 6 Goland's Tower one of Goland's Elite