LR LM Name Anti AC Age Flags Saves DR HR HP MP MV CON DEX INT STAM STR WIS Value Weight Multi Other Area Mobs
0 a pair of hard leather boots -12 4 15 3 Medievia a wise old warrior
0 a pair of travelling boots 5 30 2 Medievia a traveler
0 a pair of leather boots -4 50 3 Graveyard the caretaker, a gravedigger
0 a pair of knee-high leather boots 10 25 50 4 Medievia a tower watchman
0 a pair of worn leather shoes 24 0 50 2 Medievia a filthy beggar
0 a pair of white silk slippers 80 1 Wilderness a young lady
0 a pair of supple, leather boots -2 1 110 10 Underground Tunnels a member of the Veiled Society
1 25 a pair of cheaply made sandals -2 Bonds 2 2 0 1 N/A Starting equipment
1 a pair of muddy boots -30 1 5 Gloumewood Farm Chludo, the handsome pig farmer
1 a pair of leather work boots 12 20 4 Gloumewood Farm a strapping farmhand
7 combat boots -4 2 5500 5 The Labyrinth an ugly goblin
8 grass-green slippers -1 50 2 The Village of Gnomenel Astirari Owir
8 a pair of delicate woven cloth moccasins 7 1 300 2 Underground Tunnels a reagent gatherer
10 a pair of pink satin ballet slippers 18 5 1000 1 The Hidden City of E'nat'dae a beautiful ballerina
10 a pair of magic boots -4 1 10500 1 Goblin Castle the Goblin King
12 the shimmering hooves of an alabaster unicorn E 11 2 50 4 The Rydhordel Woods a white unicorn
13 knee-high boots of soft, white leather 1 5 3450 2 Forest of the Alendora a Havensdora commoner
14 deerskin moccasins 4 4800 2 Forest of the Alendora Herastu, child of Illenis
14 a pair of black leather boots, fastened with silver buckles 2 34 4800 4 Forest of the Alendora a Malindora elf