LR LM Name Anti AC Age Flags Saves DR HR HP MP MV CON DEX INT STAM STR WIS Value Weight Multi Other Area Mobs
0 a pair of worn chainmail gloves -11 3 32 3 Medievia a wise old warrior, a tower watchman
0 hardened leather gloves 2 3 50 3 Medievia a mercenary
0 a pair of swordsman's gloves -4 3 150 1 Graveyard an animated skeleton
1 heavy work gloves 2 50 1 The Village of Gnomenel a Gnomenel lamplighter, Verinne Locyn, Felab Locyn, a construction worker
5 a white handkerchief 3 1 125 1 Head, Hold, Neck Cholsen's Mansion an old gardener
9 the rooster's claws CM 1 2 5000 2 Gloumewood Farm a short-tempered rooster
12 the claw-embedded paws of a bear G, T Spells+0 1 8450 4 The Rydhordel Woods a vine-roped bear
14 the rooster's claws CM 2 1 10000 2 Gloumewood Farm a short-tempered rooster
15 the gloves of falconry 4 2 9250 4 Forest of the Alendora a Malindora falconer