LR LM Name Anti AC Age Flags Saves DR HR HP MP MV CON DEX INT STAM STR WIS Value Weight Multi Other Area Mobs
0 a pair of thick, cloth leggings -2 0 5 Medievia a brawling warrior
0 some loose-fitting white pants 13 20 5 Forbidden Forest a (fe)male village high council member
0 a pair of fine leather leggings 8 25 45 4 Medievia a tower watchman
0 chainmail leggings -5 5 50 3 Medievia a tower watchman, a mercenary
0 a pair of leather pants -3 50 5 Graveyard the caretaker, a gravedigger
0 a cloth kilt 1 1 50 2 Medievia a traveler
0 a pair of black pants 30 1 50 1 Medievia a priest
0 a pair of woolen trousers 1 2 50 1 Medievia a filthy beggar
0 a pair of wooden stilt -3 1 50 3 The Gypsy Camp a tall man
0 some chain shackles Cursed -100 -82 1 75 15 Graveyard an animated skeleton
1 drab gray overalls 10 Spells+1 1 3 Gloumewood Farm a strapping farmhand
1 a silky pair of short trousers, used as pajamas 1 1 The Hidden City of E'nat'dae a sleepy dancer
1 a grass skirt 25 2 The Village of Gnomenel Coendra Giran, Mebe Giran, an inebriated party guest
1 an anklet woven of spidersilk 25 2 50 1 Feet Forest of the Alendora a Havensdora forager
5 a small, dirty blue suit 3 0 100 3 Body The Village of Gnomenel Arith Elliman
5 a small, dirty red suit 4 -1 100 3 Body The Village of Gnomenel Ebith Elliman
5 small, dirty blue pajamas -1 0 100 3 Body The Village of Gnomenel Arith Elliman
5 small, dirty red pajamas -1 0 100 3 Body The Village of Gnomenel Ebith Elliman
5 a dirty pair of overalls -10 10 125 5 About Cholsen's Mansion an old gardener
5 silk paisley pajamas 0 200 3 Body The Village of Gnomenel Godien Elliman
8 makeshift bone leggings -5 1 2 0 15 Wytherwind a skeletal abomination
8 a pair of very long pajamas 2 7 100 2 The Village of Gnomenel Jiader Belind
8 a pair of rough work pants 9 100 3 The Village of Gnomenel Asteandra Saldor, Oliade Saecyn
8 perfectly pressed pants 1 100 2 The Village of Gnomenel Cim Caroryn
8 blue, orange, purple, and pink pajamas 8 100 2 Body The Village of Gnomenel Priald Perado
8 large, well-worn pajamas 9 100 3 Body The Village of Gnomenel Larre Rigrin
8 plain homespun pajamas 1 7 100 2 Body The Village of Gnomenel Cim Caroryn, Mareht Tinolle
8 a muse's white toga EN, TW Breath-0 2 512 3 Body Cholsen's Mansion a weakened art muse
9 a pair of brown leather pants, worn and dusty 23 1 1000 1 The Hidden City of E'nat'dae a dusty trader
10 sturdy green knee pants -16 3 5000 3 The Rydhordel Woods the ghost of a slain child
15 green leggings of woven leaves 1 20 4800 2 Forest of the Alendora an elven scout, a Havensdora forager
19 a dragon scale skirt -6 17 120 15 Goland's Tower one of Goland's Elite