LR LM Name Anti AC Age Flags Saves DR HR HP MP MV CON DEX INT STAM STR WIS Value Weight Multi Other Area Mobs
0 a silver pendant -10 2 50 1 Graveyard a spectral wraith
0 a gleaming pearl necklace 7 7 50 2 Medievia a muscular sailor
0 a raven's talon hanging from a necklace 2 50 1 Medievia a brawling warrior
0 a scarf of camel hair 2 10 50 1 Medievia a filthy beggar
0 an elegant string of opals 3 3 100 1 El Cantara Madame Chantra
0 a silver holy symbol 17 200 5 Hold Graveyard High Priest of the Church
0 a leather-studded lion's collar CM 10 2 800 3 The Gypsy Camp a ferocious lion
0 a jade pendant 3 3 1000 3 The Labyrinth the acolyte
1 Bame's collar Breath-3 9 20 2 Gloumewood Farm Bame, the farmdog
1 a gnarled tree root 3 4 50 2 Finger, Head, Hold, Waist Shadmire a tree spirit
1 a flower lei 10 13 100 1 The Village of Gnomenel Coendra Giran
5 a white handkerchief 3 1 125 1 Hands, Head, Hold Cholsen's Mansion an old gardener
6 a tin bell 5 0 216 2 Waist Cholsen's Mansion a hungry goat
7 a dark black cloak 1 1 900 8 Goblin Castle the Goblin King
8 a choker necklace, set with a red stone 6 11 500 1 The Village of Gnomenel Rhuven Danvan
10 a black leather collar embedded with thick metal spikes -2 -2 5000 2 The Rydhordel Woods a scruffy dog
11 a crocheted shawl of white yarn 20 6 1000 1 Body The Hidden City of E'nat'dae a crotchety old woman
12 an oval locket made of silver TW Spells-1 18 6050 3 The Rydhordel Woods a frantic mother
12 Tabytha's lavender collar Regen - Word of Recall (5) 7200 3 The Rydhordel Woods Tabytha, Mathaelda's pet
15 a strange amulet Cursed 1 85 1 Goblin Castle the Goblin King