LR LM Name Anti AC Age Flags Saves DR HR HP MP MV CON DEX INT STAM STR WIS Value Weight Multi Other Area Mobs
0 a small pouch hanging from a cord Container 29 2 Hold Forbidden Forest a village child
0 a white silk sash -3 9 50 1 Forbidden Forest a female village high council member
0 a belt of knotted rope 6 6 50 2 Medievia a monk of Mercy Abbey
0 a gardener's belt, equipped with several pouches Container 2 1 50 1 Medievia a resting gardener
0 a white pinafore 5 1 50 2 Medievia a prim maidservant
0 an old ragged backpack Container (75) 50 4 The Spire of Kirys Ayr a weary traveler, a goblin scavenger
0 an oaken scabbard, attached to a leather harness -10 2 2 50 2 About Medievia a mercenary
0 a belt with several large pouches Container 75 7 Graveyard a gravedigger
0 a tarnished and dirty copper belt -1 1 1 100 6 Graveyard an animated skeleton
0 a large lion skin G 0 2 100 3 Forbidden Forest a village male
0 a bronze belt -1 1 180 5 The Labyrinth a small kobold
0 a broad silver belt -1 Spells-1 210 4 Goblin Castle the Goblin King
1 a gnarled tree root 3 4 50 2 Finger, Head, Hold, Neck Shadmire a tree spirit
6 a tin bell 5 0 216 2 Neck Cholsen's Mansion a hungry goat
9 a filthy apron Petri-2 2 4050 4 Cholsen's Mansion a large cook
10 a large cotton apron of the purest white 1000 1 The Hidden City of E'nat'dae a sweet housewife
10 a deerskin loincloth 25 1 2000 3 Forest of the Alendora a curious Malindora youth
10 a large, tough leaf threaded into a pouch Container (26) 5000 3 The Rydhordel Woods an animated plant
12 a sash of coins, slung low around the hips -1 6 2 55 2 El Cantara Zora, Mistress of Dance
13 a striped belt of tiger fur G 20 -1 50 2 The Rydhordel Woods a shadowstripe tiger
14 a leather belt, fit with many compartments Container (20) 2 9800 2 Forest of the Alendora a Havensdora hunter
15 a thick, woven cord of green vine CM Spells-1 13 2 9800 4 The Rydhordel Woods a woodsman
17 a lavender sash woven of elder oak leaves 17 1 2 5800 1 Forest of the Alendora Elliesten, the Malindora magician