Directions List

The Khavanov Continent


Jorhurdain Isles


Please note: The numbers in parenthesis are levels, the name is the name of the area, and the directions are given as though you would be speedwalking in the ZMUD client. Please refer to the Links section of this site for the Zuggasoft homepage for more info on the ZMUD client.

Click on the area name to view a map of the area.

(1-51)  Altirin:                   recall
(1-51)  Altirin Docks:              2s2w;open west;2w
(5-15)  Altirin Prison:             2s3w3se
(35-45) Aluzuran's Tower:           2s3e;open east;9e2n8e3ne3n3e2n2e9n;open north;n
(5-25)  Bandit Camp:                2s3e;open east;9e2n4en2e3n6e5n12e;enter fissure
(1-20)  Blackfang Burrow:           2s3e;open east;5e2n
(1-50)  Blackfang Woods:            2s3e;open east;5e2nwnw2nen2e2ne2n
(15-35) Blackstone Keep:            2s3e;open east;9e2n8e3ne3n3e2n2e5n
(30-50) Bowels of Krevalaer:        6n;open north;7n4e5n2e5n2w2n2w;open west;w;enter entrance
(25-35) Damp Foothills:             6n;open gate;7n4e5n2e5n2e4n2w8nd3wn3w3nd2nuenw;
                                    enter crevice;d
(10-25) Druthok Encampment:         2s3e;open east;15es4e
(1-50)  Eastern Plains:             2s3e;open east;9e2n
(??-??) Fishing Village:            10s;open south;3s2w4se4s3e2s2e4s39e
(5-20)  Giev'thaka North:           10s;open south;3s
(5-15)  Graveyard:                  7s2e;open south;s
(30-50) Grimshire Woods:            2s3e;open east;7e4n4e6n
(5-50)  Ironstone Hills:            6n;open north;7n4e5n2e5n2e3n
(1-51)  Kannockburn:                2s3e;open east;7e4s4e2s
(5-15)  Kethlan Hills:              2s3e;open east;9e2sus;open south;2susdsds
(15-30) Kethlan Ruins:              2s3e;open east;9e2sus;open south;2susdsd3s3eseseu5eued3e
(1-15)  Kobold Caves:               6n;open north;8n
(5-30)  Krevalaer:                  6n;open north;7n2e5n2e5n2w2nw
(1-25)  Lithian Bay:                6n;open north;2n4w3d
(5-15)  Legion Hills:               2s3e;open east;4e3s
(25-40) Lost Temples:               2s3e;open east;7e4n4e4n4ene
(25-35) Northern Swamps:            6n;open gate;7n4e5n2e5n2e4n2w8nd3wn3w3nd2nuenw;
                                    enter crevice;d
(25-50) Overgrown Graveyard:        10s;open south;4se2se2sw2s2wswses4es
(5-15)  Peaceful Glade:             2s3e;open east;4en
(5-40)  Pirate Hideout:             10s;open south;3s2w4se4s3e2s2es
(1-51)  Plains of Se'lith:          6n;open north;3n
(15-25) Rockfist Sanctum:           2s3e;open east;9e2n2en3en2en3en2e4n10e2nd3n2w2ned2nw2nd3ne
                                    nd3nw3ne2ndndndnw2nd3nd2n;open north;n;open north;n 
(30-50) Roth Goroth:                2s3e;open east;9e2sus;open south;2susdsd3s3e2swswsw5s3es2w
(20-40) Rynthias' School:           10s;open south;4se2se2se
(5-25)  Sands of Shojuwa:           2s3e;open east;12e
(15-35) Sandstone Ruins:            2s3e;open east;15es2en2es2ese2s4e2s2e
(??-??) Sandy Beach:                10s;open south;3s2w4se4s3e2s2e4s39e
(5-25)  Sewers of Khavanov:         9sd
(10-25) Shadowed Plains:            ???
(25-40) Shadow Valley:              6n;open north;7n4e5n3e5n3e4n2e9neu5ne2eu4e4n3ene2nu2nunw2ne
(10-35) Shady Forest:               6n;open north;7n5e
(10-30) Sleepy Mountains:           ???
(1-50)  South Giev'thaka Forest:    ???
(1-50)  South Kannockburn Meadows:  ???
(1-5)   Tower of Khavanov:          u
(10-20) Water Goblin Caves:         6n;open north;2n4w3d5wuenununues

These directions are taken from the Lokjavek Druid Circle.

(1-51)  Kevjordhur:                 2n5wn;open north;4n
(25-40) Lokjavek Woods:             n
(1-10)  Vatn Fjall:                 2n5wn;open north;6nwn;open north;4n